About Me

Hey, I'm Tania. I've been a software engineer since 2014 (previously I was a chef), and I've been making websites since 1998. I also have a DDR machine in the basement, two cats, and a wonderful partner. I like working out, playing video games, and occasionally updating this website.

Welcome to my spot on the web for writing, projects, tutorials, art, and anything else I want to put out there. You can read some of my personal thoughts, as well as all the technical articles I've written over the years. Take a look at the projects page to see a highlight of my open-source work.

My site has no ads, no affiliate links, no tracking or analytics, no sponsored posts, and no paywall. My motivation for the site is to have a space for self-expression and to share what I've learned with the world. I hope I will inspire others to make their own creative corner on the web in the uphill battle against the enshittification of the internet.

I don't post too often, so feel free to subscribe to the RSS feed for updates when I do.


What I'm doing now

Updated July 10th, 2024

  • Working full time
  • Building a replica of our home out of Lego
  • Trying for the nth time to get into shape
  • Tweaking this website



This website is hosted on Netlify and uses the Gatsby SSG framework.




Interviews & Podcasts


